ON DEMAND Includes work by Yael Bartana, Sema Bekirovic, Martha Colburn, Helmut Dick, Elspeth Diederix, Willehad Eilers, Alicia Framis, Wannes Goetschalckx, Witte van Hulzen, Witte van Hulzen & Sander Breure, Sina Khani, Emi Kodama, Gabriel Lester, Kristjan Lodmfjord, Cristina Lucas, Marjolijn van der Meij & Arianne Olthaar, Erkka Nisinnen, Paulien Oltheten, Bradley Pitts, Muzi Quawson, Frederik van Simaey, Jennifer Tee, Erik Wesselo, Nina Yuen.
From 27 February through 3 April tegenboschvanvreden will be showing a video program involving the work of twenty-four artists. ON DEMAND has developed from the idea that, although the moving image has now acquired a substantial position in the art world, a large segment of the public has many questions about how to ‘deal with’ the moving image. How does one look at a video work? What does its aspect of time imply for the viewer? What does it mean to purchase a video work? How can video works be shown in a collection? What exactly is the stance taken by video art, or media art in general, with respect to today’s concern for ‘open source’ access, for YouTube, Twittering and blogging, for social networks and interactivity? Throughout the exhibition, we will be focusing on the significance of video art today by way of several lectures to be given by specialists and collectors of video art.
The exhibition is, of course, primarily about looking. Visitors can make their own selections from a wide variety of individual artworks and then see that choice displayed on a large screen. Never had the opportunity to view a work by Helmut Dick or Gabriel Lester? Always wanted to watch a film by Erik Wesselo, Frederik van Simaey, Nina Yuen, Sina Khani or Sema Bekirovic? Well, here’s your chance…ON DEMAND.
By way of this exhibition, tegenboschvanvreden is pursuing the aim to hold collaborative projects with other galleries. For ON DEMAND we invited six galleries—all of them having earned a reputation for creating a platform for video art/new media—to select a number of video works by artists from their own galleries and to show these in conjunction with the work being presented at tegenboschvanvreden. We should therefore like to thank Annet Gelink Gallery, galerie Fons Welters, galerie Sign, galerie Diana Stigter, galerie Juliette Jongma and galerie West for their contributions to this exhibition!